4000 Essential English Words is a six-volume series designed to focus on practical, high-frequency
words to improve students’ vocabulary from beginner to advanced level.
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This series presents a variety of words that make up a significant portion of the words you will find in many spoken or written texts.
Therefore, students who have mastered these target words will be able to fully comprehend vocabulary items when exposed to written and spoken forms.
Each unit has 20 words defined and used in the sample sentences.
The activities in the book are designed to present words for different purposes so that students can fully see how they are used.
Also, at the end of each unit there is a story with the unit’s target word, giving students more examples of the word used.
Each level adequately prepares students for the next level, progressively challenging them with more sophisticated vocabulary and stories.
The main features are:
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Clear, easy-to-understand definitions and examples for all target words. Various activities to strengthen the target vocabulary.
Progressive development of vocabulary through levels. Reading verses using keywords.
Attractive photos showing each target word. Free downloadable additional audio
recordings of target word lists and reading passages
to improve listening comprehension and help with pronunciation