excerpt from the book
Similarly. I love you I want what you have, even if I already have one or many.
Lust: I have to have it.
Anger: I will hurt you to make sure I have it and to make sure you don’t.
Jealousy: I hate that you have one.
Greed: There is no limit to how much I love you, or how little I love you in comparison.

Laziness: I object to climbing the ladder above you: This means that I have to climb the ladder to maintain my position of dominance over you.
The Confessions PDF Book
If I’m twice as big as you and you gain a level, that means I can only go up two to get my old kingdom back. It is very easy to knock you down or prevent you from climbing.
Destruction is easier than construction.
This becomes even more apparent to a person whose goal is 10 or 100 times higher on the ladder of success. . Old definitions are given, and hopefully obsolete, or soon to be obsolete.