The strange behavior of a galaxy a billion light-years away suggests that it could host one of the most anticipated events in modern astronomy. Fluctuations in light from the center of the galaxy SDSS J1430+2303 look suspiciously like a pair of massive black holes with a combined mass of 200 million suns about to collide with each other.
“Easy” in cosmic terms can often extend to all of life. Fortunately, in this case, astronomers predict that if the signal is indeed the result of massive black holes, they will merge within the next three years. It may be our best chance yet to see two supermassive black holes collide…
but we still don’t know for sure what’s going on at the center of J1429+2303. Scientists suggest that we keep observing this strange galaxy to see if it can be definitively identified. The first discovery of colliding black holes in 2015 ushered in a bold new era for astronomy.
Since then, many more discoveries have been made thanks to gravitational waves, the massive events that send ripples through space-time. Until now, practically these consolidations have been parallel sets of dark openings with masses similar to individual stars.
There is a generally excellent justification for this. LIGO and Virgo, the gravitational wave instruments responsible for the detection, are designed for this mass.
The more turbulent waves produced by the impact and collision of supermassive black holes, in the range of millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun, are too low in the frequency range for our current observatories. Still, a pair of supermassive black holes merging would be an oddly sweet thing to watch.

Even without detectors capable of detecting low-frequency gravitational waves, scientists expect to see a large spread of light across the spectrum. This shocking data can tell us a lot about how these events unfold. We’re not entirely sure how supermassive black holes get so massive, but there are some clues that suggest binary mergers are one mechanism.
We know that galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers, and we’ve not only seen collisions of galaxy pairs and groups, but also post-merger galactic centers collapsing into each other’s orbits. They are estimated from oscillations in the light emitted from the galactic center of these galaxies, on regular time scales that suggest an orbit. This brings us back to J1430+2303.
Earlier this year, a team of astronomers led by Ning Jiang from the University of Science and Technology of China uploaded a paper to the preprint server arXiv, describing some really strange behavior. Over a period of three years, the oscillations in the galactic core became shorter and shorter, from a period of about a year to just a month.
However, it is not entirely clear that what is happening at the center of J1430+2303 is the result of a binary black hole, regardless of whether it is about to explode. Galactic nuclei are strange places that throw off signals that are hard to interpret, meaning something else may be driving the variability at the heart of J1430+2303.
To attempt to make quick work of the matter, stargazers went to X-beam frequencies. Using data from X-ray observatories covering a period of 200 days, a team led by Liming Du of Guangzhou University in China has attempted to identify high-energy signatures that we call One would expect to see in a nearby supermassive black hole.
A binary in a degenerate orbit. They observed variations in the X-ray light emitted by the galaxy, as well as a type of emission associated with the collapse of an iron black hole, which the team detected with a 99.96 percent confidence level with two different instruments.
This emission may be associated with binary supermassive black holes. However, the team was unable to measure the “smoking gun” properties that would have confirmed a black hole binary. An analysis of radio observations published in July was also inconclusive.
So it looks like we’re still not 100 percent sure what’s going on with J1430+2303. What we can say with confidence is that something very strange is happening in the center of the galaxy.
Above all, it is a mystery, and very juicy. Whether or not it is a binary supermassive black hole on the brink of collision, J1430+2303 warrants a closer, more detailed look.