This is the third and final book in a series of detailed English dictionaries from Premier English Learning
Publishing (the first two are English C1 Advanced Vocabulary
and English C2 Proficiency Vocabulary). This book clearly and concisely defines only the most important words. And the latest examples.- Study at home,
on the go or in class;- Bookmark;- And remember that repetition is the key to memory. “I love Olly’s work and so do you!” –
Dr. Barbara Oakley, author of the New York Times bestseller A Mind for Numbers.

for beginners are specially written for beginners to intermediate learners to give you a sense of accomplishment and, most importantly,
enjoyment! Assigned to A2-B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will entertain you and leave you feeling developed while reading.
What does this book give you? From science fiction and crime to history and suspense, 8 stories in a variety of exciting genres are fun to read while learning a variety of new vocabulary.
You can progress with confidence in a controlled language at your level, including 1000 of the most frequently used words.
Real conversations to help you learn interactive expressions and improve your speaking skills. pleasure! It’s a lot easier to learn a new language when it’s fun,
and research shows that if you enjoy reading in a foreign language, you won’t feel the frustration of ‘too hard!’ ‘I don’t know!’
An accessible grammar that allows you to learn new structures naturally and without stress. Carefully curated to make learning a new language easier,
these stories include key features that support and solidify your progress.
Glossaryis words in bold in each text List of bilingual words.
Full story summary Comprehension questions after each chapter. As result, you will able to concentrate
& enjoy reading without feeling while enjoying improved vocabulary coverage language comprehension.
From science fiction to fantasy, crime and thrillers,
French short stories for beginners make learning French easy and fun.