I took the cities that were called invincible, I defeated the armies that were called invincible. I laid them all at the feet of my brothers.
I did not get off the horse so that my brothers would like it, so that the Turkish soldiers would be happy and the Turkish land would grow. I didn’t sheath my sword until I got my money back, but whatever I did wasn’t enough.
Teskilat Episode 56 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower
I understood that my elder brothers would not give way to me for the throne. I rebelled, I was forgiven , but I did not listen, as if they were not enough, their sons stood against me , I did not give up, I did not give up.
Alparslan Episode 37 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower
Because I am Ibrahim Yinal, son of Yusuf Yinal, if they do not give my due, then I will take it. Selamunaleykum friends. As a result of the process we entered in the series , there is little time left for the rebellion movement of İbrahim Yınal Bey to seize the throne.

So who is İbrahim Yinal Bey actually? Are you brothers with Tuğrul Bey and Çağrı Bey? How did the rebellion take place , what happened behind the scenes? We have compiled all the information about İbrahim Yınal’s life and death in this video. Have a good time.
İbrahim Yınal Bey, a member of the dynasty of the Great Seljuk State , is an important person who has written his name in history with his activities in the period he lived. His father, Yusuf Yinal Bey, was one of Selçuk Bey’s four sons.
Kurulus Osman Episode 105 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower
When Mikail Bey, the eldest son of Selçuk Bey, was martyred in a castle siege , Mikail Bey’s widow was married to his brother Yusuf Yınal, in accordance with the levirate tradition common in Central Asia, and İbrahim Yınal was born from this marriage.
Therefore, İbrahim Yınal is the mother ‘s full brother and paternal cousin of Tuğrul and Çağrı Bey. İbrahim Yınal, the brother of Tuğrul Bey, the ruler of the Seljuk State, was appointed as a commander within the scope of his efforts to grow towards the west.
Kurulus Osman Episode 104 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower
İbrahim Yınal was a good and brave commander, he first captured Nishapur and had important services in the establishment of the State. İbrahim Yınal Bey played an important role in the acquisition of a big city like Rey . Later, he also captured Rey’s entire circle.
Tuğrul Bey took over the city after he came to Rey. This situation is accepted as the first reason for the
separation between the two brothers . Because İbrahim Yınal wanted him to be himself in administration
because he was the one who took the city, but Tuğrul Bey,
who wanted to switch to a centralized system, did not accept this.