Kurulus Osman Episode 102 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower

Kurulus Osman Episode 102 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower

Ofelia’s death will be by my hand. Ofelia’s death will be by my hand. But he will speak first.

But he will speak first. Your blood has been spilled on this land, Turgut Bey.

Alparslan Episode 33 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower

Your blood has been spilled on this land, Turgut Bey. It doesn’t stay here. It doesn’t stay here.

There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you. You will be arrested.

You will be arrested. Alps! Alps! We will crush anyone. We will crush anyone.

A dichotomy is imminent. A dichotomy is imminent. These lands you are trying to enter are full of carcasses of people like you.

These lands you are trying to enter are full of carcasses of people like you. Martha! Martha! Searching for you in the sky,

Kurulus Osman Episode 102 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower
Kurulus Osman Episode 102 in Urdu Subtitle by Vidtower

I found you on the ground, Marta. Searching for you in the sky, I found you on the ground, Marta.

Osman will die when he leaves the palace. Osman will die when he leaves the palace.

And now they are suffering the consequences To some extent, his words were correct Because after rescuing the emperor,

Kantakuzenos and the Vikings washed their hands and fell behind the Turks, especially Osman Bey.

And then the attack on the border village and the martyrdom of many soldiers was also intended to break the alliance between Osman Bey and the emperor and to torture Osman Bey.

There will be a bitter feud between Öktem Bey and Kantakuzenos when the Kantakuzenos arrives at

Karkin tribe And it will come to the point of drawing swords Kantakuzenos will use his demonic mind

to expand the Öktem Bey And will call him a toy in

Osman Bey’s hands While Öktem Bey is already in the doldrums